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Home films, new Film Trent in Malabar

The film lovers are familiar with the movements, Italian New Wave and French Neo-Realism. Likewise the big revaluating happening in the Malabar region of Kerala, it was home films. A ’home film’ is a part of the motion picture film making process made by amateurs, mainly for family viewers. These types of films are not releasing in any public theaters but through CD ROMs and DVDs, reaching in the public. They go directly to the audience. Now ‘home film’s have been creating new waves in the Malayalam film industry. Comparing to the mainstream Malayalam films, ‘home film’s are confined to the small-scale film production industry. ‘home film’s have their own status among classical Malayalam films and Malayalam commercial films. While all Malayalam commercial films and classical dramatic films aim at profit motive, reputation, and awards. But in contrast the ‘home film’s’ are bringing to the audience, a conscious awareness on the unique problems related to the Malabar Muslims.
A revolution of ‘home films’ in Kerala was pioneered by Salam Kodiyathoor and Siddiq Kodiayathoor. The first ‘home film’, ‘Ningalenne Branthanakki’(You Have Made Me Mad) was by Salam Kodiyathoor. It was a drama of the same, which was staged from 1995 to 2000. Later, he has made some modifications in this drama and recreated it into a film format having the same characters.
The length of this kind of films is similar to the mainstream films. Majority of the ‘home films’ are based on the relevant domestic issues in the society. They bring out the unethical practices and question the superstitious beliefs in the society. ‘Home films’ is easy to make and more affordable to an average person.  Production cost varies in ‘home film’-making and professional film-making. Classic and commercial films go for the latest technological devices available. But the home films lack this.  
Like Italian Neo-Realism and French New Wave which influenced the western culture, the ‘home films’ plays  a big role in the present society. It has influenced mostly the people who lives in the Malabar region [upper middle part of the Kerala] and those expatriate Muslims because it has discussed the problems within the same community and the painful life of expatriate Malabar Muslims. The concept of dowry, love, family relations (father-mother, peer groups, brother-sister, husband-wife etc.), zakath, superstitians, are some of the themes highlighting in these films. The leading ‘home film’ director, Salam Kodiyathur observes the relevance of the ‘home film’s in this present society:                                                                                                           “The changing social values and the transformation of societies (in wrong way) create lots of tension and suffocations among the people and we must be ready to overcome such issues. ‘Home films’ is one of the best medium to convey the spiritual and social values against the traditional and superstitious beliefs of the people. These films, I hope, would help the community members to overcome such challenges and uphold the social and cultural values of our society.”
  All these films have been highly popular among the community and also well received in outside the country like Qatar, Saudi Arabia and other European and American countries where Malabar Muslims live as well. Muslim community especially in Malabar region is very familiar with the ‘home films’. The major ‘home film’ makers are from Malappuram and Calicut since Malabar is the most Muslim populated area in Kerala. So the directors please to tell the stories about the Muslim families and their problems, the worse conditions of expatriate Muslims who are working in other countries, the problems their wives face, the life style of that community and forthcoming generation of this community. These films illustrate the dialects and life style practices by the Muslim community. The stereotypical representation of Muslim community in particular by the mainstream film industry as an image of violence attributes them the title “terrorists”. So the ‘home film’ makers take it as a challenge to reconstruct this stereotyping of a community. They try to clarify the audience the doubts and misconceptions regarding this community. Malabar is famous in all over the world because of the tender attitude towards the guest and their way of welcoming guests. ‘Home films’ focuses on these positive attitudes along with warring against the stereotypes.
According to the critics and writers the development of the ‘home films’ is basically from the right of the middle class Malabar Muslims to express themselves.  ‘Home film’ concept is developed from the traditional drama and it is happened because of the digital availability and affordability. And this type of films try to tell about the problems and stories related to Malabar. No one has portrayed Malabar as much rather than ‘home film’ makers.
The development of the home films depend on the availability of equipment and media formats (video tape, CDs, DCDs, etc.) affordable to consumers. Development of film formats suitable for ‘home film’ makers has been available from the early history of cinematography. For example, in 1898 the 17.5 mm "Birtac" format was split the standard 35 mm film into two halves and was able to be loaded into the camera in daylight. For many film makers, the cost of film making was initially too high, but they could afford to buy or hire films and watch them at home. In a pre-television era, this was exciting. Edison’s ‘kinetoscope’ and ‘Pathe’ had the same target audience. Film libraries were also established with ‘home films’ in the early 1980’s. According to the historians, the ‘home film’ was introduced by Pathe in 1922. He used 35mm camera. It was for both for viewing commercially produced ‘home film’.
The beginning of ‘home films’in Kerala was in 1995 and Mr. Salaam Kodiathoor and Sidheeq kodiathoor were the pioneers behind this effort. Both sidheeq and salaam are drama actors and directors. Kodiathoor is a place in Malabar region and this small place is familiar to others through the Drama and Villadicham pattu [musical drama]. They did almost 10 to 15 dramas all over the Malabar and around Kerala also in some foreign countries also. After their last drama ‘Ningalenne Branthanakki’, they decided to convert this drama into a film format in the year 2000. Many expatriate malayalies co-operated with this pioneering venture. So the first ‘home film’ was not a film by a single producer or not by a single master brain but it was developed through the hard work of so many natives and expatriate malayalies. This first ‘home film’ was a mega hit in Kerala and in gulf countries too. This film was released in CD/ROM format and it was produced under the banner of ‘Dawn Visual Group’ production. After 3 years, Salaam kodiyathoor and his crew released their second film ‘Parethan Thirichuvarunnu’ (the man who died returns). The above is about the life of expatriate malayalies and their families. This also became a mega hit and sold out more than ten thousand copies. After the release of their second film, the new trend in film-making got a wide range of audience and it became a big discussion among the mainstream filmmakers and directors. Salaam Kodiathoor and crew did more than 10 movies within 15 years. Many people behind these efforts have their own jobs in govt. sector and in other so that they considered ‘home film’ as an entertaining and not for commercial benefit. Almost 200 films have so far been released all over Kerala. But many of them were not at all familiar. Some of them became hit and some were only average in their performance and lacks well reception. Majority of the films are now produced by gulf malayalies ( people from kerala) and young people who are passionate in film making. The main specialty of the ‘home film’ is that they are well framed with the culture and life style of Malabar people. The language and dressing code and other aspects of Malabar people are, sometimes sarcastically, used with much care and it is the main reason why such films still attract the common people.

by ramis salam


Native Bapa; a new wave of Hip-Hop in Kerala

Native Bapa; a new wave of Hip-Hop in Kerala

Musical video albums and songs are not only for entertainments but serve as social tools to protest and raise the voice against the injustice and immoral activities in the society also. Musical video albums are one of the most influential media to inform and educate the society in order to make the social environment a better one. We are living in the 21st century. Our present society is running behind the jazz , rock music and American Hip hop music. So, growing inclination of people from ‘Hip Hop’ towards ‘padappattu’ in Malabar region has its own significance.
Hip Hop is pioneered in 1960s. It is the technical rhythmic steps of dances and musics invented by the blacks of America to protest the dominants of whites in America. Hip hop raises the voices of blacks’ against the discrimination of the society on the basis of colour. Political Hip Hop is the developed or modern form of Hip-Hop
The satirical narration and criticism of political issue where the artists sing in a similar steps and rhythm or  a direct exploration or throwing  the truth  of political issues towards the audience in a rhythmic and musical way are known as Political Hip-Hop. Places like Thehareer Square are full filled with political hip hop while Arab spring was happening.
 Malayalies are, over a long period, not at all aware or not even heard of Hip-hop but now after the release of muhsin perari’s NATIVE BAPA’ [name of the hip-hop album] it has become a trend in Kerala too. This social revolutionary form of music is released though the social networking site YouTube. Mr.muhsin perari who was the director of this hip-hop album and it is released under the banner of ‘Mappila Lahala Musics’.
Native Bapa Soliloquizes the loss of his son who was accused a terrorist and killed by Govt. in a fake encounter in the name of irradciation of terrorism. It tells about the present condition of Muslim community and the whole theme is developing though the narrations and soliloquies of the father. This hip-hop has become a different experience though the symbols images are not novel and were repeatedly presented by main stream media. This 4.30 minute album is harshly criticizing such kind of symbols and stereotyping of a particular community as a terrorists.  This small hip-hop album is enough to understand and to teach the society how the media portraying a particular community as terrorists or problem makers.
The album begins with a scene of one green flagged boat is coming towards and in the next appears a middle aged man. He is the central character of this hip-hop. He is on the boat. [Politically it represents the news came once about the importing of weapons though Arabian Sea]. The costume of this album is like one person wears a green colour big belt [which are commonly used the Malabar Muslims] and the Arabic muffler [scarf]. These represent a group of community and those characters are considered villains. [This belt is regularly used in Malayalam films to a group of community and those characters are villains] these are now using to represent the terrorism. Following scenes show the congested area of colonies like mattancherri, palayam etc and is followed by a scene of a bike numbered KL-10. [Kl_10 is the code of Malappuram dist and it was the highly Muslim populated district in Kerala]. The wall posters of ‘Maadani’ also flashes through several times as the father narrates the whole incident, the ill-fate of his innocent son. Though out that narration, it explains that his son working in a place far away from home.  The images of his return home in leave with sweet for his child is a heart- touching visual and it clearly says he is only breadwinner and caretaker of the family. The narrations also explain how the police has manipulated a case against him and judged him a terrorist simply describing his life style. He often uses muffler to protect from cold and this muffler has, surprisingly, been the identification mark for charging against him. In a regular interval of narration, the narrator utters the word ‘bomb’. He observes, sarcastically, that his son has never seen a bomb in his life but ‘bondas’ [bonda- a sweet with round shape]. He pooh-poohs at the notion of media who tries to stereotype the green belt and the muffler as identification of terrorists etc.
Mr. Mamukkoya, one of the leading comedy actors in the Malayalam film industry, has remarkably essayed the role of father in this album. His own satirical tongue and mannerisms have been aptly used to sharpen narrations and give much impact. It is the one of the reasons the album becomes a popular hit. This album also explains about that father’s legacy that fought against the British to get freedom. Unfortunately, his own son has been booked by the government accusing him terrorist.
This hip hop uses both English and Malayalam words in a rhythmic way. Native Bapa stands against the stereotyping of a community in the society as terrorists and problem makers. It shows the unethical practices of media towards a particular community and this political Hip-hop has become a hit with more than a lack of viewers in YouTube.  Muhsin Perari is the director of this popular Malayalam hip-hop Hariz- choreography, Jijo Ebraham- cinematography, Roy George- music direction  are the other people worked behind this venture. 

by- Ramis salam P


buffet - അഥവാ കൊത്തിപ്പെരുക്കല്‍

ഇന്ന് സദ്യക്കിരുന്നു ...ഊണില്ല ..
കിട്ടുമായിരിക്കും . ഒരു പ്രതീക്ഷ .
ഹോ, സമാധാനം . വന്നു. 
ഇലയിട്ടു. പിന്നാലെ ഊണും 
പപ്പടം, പച്ചടി, കിച്ചടി 
പിന്നെ ചുവന്ന അച്ചാറും 
എനിക്ക് ചുവപ്പിനോട് മതിപ്പുണ്ട് 
അതായിരിക്കും ചുവന്ന അച്ചാറ്.
ഇല്ല ഇതെന്റെ തോന്നലാണ്.
ഹേം .കേം ...നന്നായൊന്നു എമ്ബ്ലാക്കമിട്ടു 
നിറഞ്ഞു..കൈ കഴുകി .
ഹോ..! ദാ.. കാണുന്നു ഒരു മേശ 
അതില്‍ ഒത്തിരി വര്‍ണത്തില്‍ പയങ്ങള്‍ 
എല്ലാം കേരളിയന്‍ തന്നെ .
പക്ഷെ  എന്‍റെ സംശയം ഇതാണ് ,
ഈ കൊത്തി പെറുക്കി തിന്നുന്ന 
സംസ്കാരം എവിടുന്നെതി 
എല്ലാം കൊള്ളാം ഇത്തരം -
വെള്ളക്കാര്‍ നമുക്കുള്ളിലെന്നോ കയറി പറ്റിയിരിക്കുന്നു .
ഇതെന്തേ ആരും അറിയഞ്ഞേ ..എന്ത് പറ്റി.?



അതന്നേറ്റവും ഉപകാരി 
കണ്ണ്! കണ്ണുതന്നെയാനത്
അതന്നേറ്റവും ഉപകാരി 
കണ്ണ്! കണ്ണുതന്നെയാനത്

അവന്‍ കണ്ണുകൊണ്ടവ കണ്ടാല്‍ 
മനസ്സിന്‍ താളുകളിലേയുതി 
നാവുകൊണ്ടവ പുന: ഉല്പാദിപ്പിക്കും
അപ്പോള്‍ പ്രേശ്നമുണ്ട് മുന്നില്‍ 

അവര്‍ അടിമപ്പെടാന്‍ വിധിക്കപ്പെട്ടവര്‍
ശ്രീഷ്റ്റാവിങ്കല്‍ നമിക്കട്ടെ!
അവര്‍ക്കേത് മാര്‍ഗവും തിരഞ്ഞെടുക്കാം 
ഇത് സൃഷ്റ്റവിന്‍ ആനുകൂല്യം 

അവരത്തിലെ ഓരോന്നിനെയും കാണുന്നു 
അതേ! പ്രപഞ്ചത്തിലെ  ഓരോന്നും 
അവയെ അവര്‍ താളുകളിലെയുതും
നാവുകൊണ്ടു  വെളിപ്പെടുത്തും

അവരെന്ത് കാണുന്നു എന്നത് മുക്യം
കായ്ച്ചകലെങ്ങനെ  രേഗപ്പെടുത്തുന്നു
രേഖകളെ എങ്ങനെയവര്‍ വ്യക്യാനിക്കുന്നു
വ്യാക്യനാങ്ല് എങ്ങനെ ഉല്‍കൊളപ്പെടുന്നു

അതേ ഇതുതന്നെയാണ് പ്രേശ്നം
മനുഷ്യന്റെ നോട്ടവുന്‍ അതിനര്‍ത്തവും
അവനവളെ കണ്ണുകളാല് സ്നേഹിക്കാം ലാലിക്കാം
അതേ കണ്ണുകളാല് വ്യ്പിചാരവുമാവാം

കണ്ണിന് മുന്നില്‍ അമ്മയില്ല
എല്ലാം സമം ,സമക്കാര്‍ മാത്രം
അവ എങ്ങിനെയും വ്യക്‍യനിക്കാപ്പെടാം 

സൂക്ഷിക്കുഗ ...വരും നാളെയേ 
ഇഹത്തില്‍ കണ്ണിനെ ഇണക്കിയാല്‍ 
പരത്തില്‍ കണ്ണ് നിങ്ങളെ വഴങ്ങും 
അതിനായി ഒരുങ്ങുക!




അത് ഞാന്‍ മറക്കില്ല മറക്കാനാവില്ല
അന്ന് ഞാന്‍  കണ്ട കായ്ച്ച 
ഇന്ന് കണ്ടുകൊണ്ടിരിക്കുന്നതും
ഒരുവനെന്‍റെ മുന്നില്‍  പ്രേത്യക്ഷ്യനായി 
   നീണ്ട മുടി  കീറിയ പാന്‍റും ഷര്‍ടും
   ഇറുഗി നീളം കുറഞ്ഞ പാന്‍റ് 
   അതുപോലെ ഷര്‍ടും
  ഞാനവാന് നാണയം നീട്ടി 
അവനെന്നെ നോക്കിയോരു ചോദ്യം
ഇതെന്താണ്? എന്തിനാണ്?
അപ്പോള്‍ പിച്ചക്ക് എത്തിയാതല്ലേ?  [എന്‍റെ മൌനം ]
എന്‍റെ അതിശയോക്തിയുടെ ഉത്തരം
  ഇതാനിപ്പോ ട്രെന്‍റ് 
  ഞാണ്‍ എന്നെതന്നെ നോക്കി
  മുന്നില്‍ ട്രെന്‍റെങ്കില്‍ ഞാനിട്ടത് ?
  അപ്പോള്‍ ഞാനിടുന്നത് വസ്ത്രമല്ലതായതു എന്നുമുതല്‍?



സ്ത്രീധനമെന്ന് കേട്ടയുടന്‍ 
സ്ത്രീ തന്നെ ധനമെന്ന് പറഞ്ഞവര്‍
അവ പറയാനൊരു വാക്കുമാത്ര -
മെന്നും മറുപ്പാട്ട് പാടി പ്പറയുന്നു.
       ജീവിതമെന്നത് കേവല വാചാലതായല്ലപോലും 
       വേണമാവനും ഒരുപാട് ഗാന്ധിതലകള്‍ 
       നോട്ട് വിലയാല്‍ കല്‍പ്പിക്കുമവളുടെ
       ജീവിത ദൃഢത ,എന്നുള്ള നാട്യം .
പണമൊന്നു കൈകളിലെത്തിയാല്‍
അവള്‍ എന്‍റെ കൈകളില്‍ സുരക്ഷിതം 
പനമത്ര കിട്ടിയില്ലെങ്കില്‍- 
ലവളെന്‍റെ കൈകളില്‍ ബന്ധിതം .
        ഇങ്ങനെ ജീവിത മോട്ടോകള്‍ 
        മാറ്റിമറിക്കുന്നവര്‍ പൊതുവില്‍ 
        മനുഷ്യനും വാനരനുമല്ലാത്ത 
        മനുഷ്യക്കുറങ്ങിന്‍ വര്‍ഗമാവാം ..


നിസ്സഹാ യന്‍

ഞാനെവരാലും അകത്തപ്പെടുന്നു 
അതേ..!എല്ലാവരുമേണെ ആട്ടി ഓടിക്കുന്നു 
ഒരുനാള്‍ കഴുകനെന്റെ കരള്‍ പ്പിച്ചിയെടുത്തു.
പിന്നാലെ ഹൃദയം ചെന്നായകളും 
അങ്ങനെ ഞാന്‍ സ്നേഹമില്ലാത്തവനായി 
നിഴല്‍ പോലുമില്ലെന്നെ സ്നേഹിക്കാന്‍ 
എന്നാല്‍ ആ കഴുകനും ചെന്നയയും 
നിങ്ങളാണെന്ന് എനിക്കല്ലാതെ മാറ്റര്‍ക്കരിയം !